Stacey Krepel
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Member since July 16, 2024
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Polished words bring ideas to life

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Tutoring: Essay Editing, Test Prep

  •  Varsity Tutors
  •  Mar 2021 - Apr 2022

I was a private tutor through Varsity Tutors. I primarily tutored students in Chemistry or for test prep for the MCAT, but I also had a few students who needed help with essay writing. Some of my favorite projects were helping students with application essays for medical school, and I got to hone my skills in proofreading, changing sentence structures, and making sentences more fluid.

Research Publications

  •  Various
  •  Aug 2013 - Present

As a science student heavily involved in undergraduate research, I was given ample opportunities to hone my writing skills. I wrote 6 research papers for classes regarding my original research (all unpublished, only for a class grade). After I finished my degree, I worked at the National Institute of Health for almost four years, where I published three papers and did a significant amount of editing for another student's paper. Lastly, I started my MD-PhD two years ago, and I was able to publish another research paper, though we have two more currently being written.

International Short Story Competitor

  •  NYCMidnight
  •  Mar 2022 - May 2022

NYCMidnight is a company that hosts international writing challenges. In 2022, I competed in the annual short story challenge, which entails writing a short story within a given timeframe (one week or less, with each round having a shorter time limit). Additionally, groups of twenty-five competitors are randomly assigned a genre, an object, and a character that must all be incorporated into the story. The top three writers from each group move to the next round to compete in new groups with different story assignments. Over 6,000 writers started the competition, and I was able to make it into the top 250 writers before I was eliminated. This was really my first experience with writing short stories, but it was fun to try my hand at creative writing!

Medical Scribe

  •  ScribeAmerica
  •  Jul 2021 - Apr 2022

I worked in a cardiology clinic as a medical scribe. The majority of this job was taking notes during the doctor visit and writing out the patient history. Oftentimes, this entailed a lot of reorganizing information to form a cohesive story, as well as rewriting notes for clarity. Some doctors liked to dictate to the scribes when they were evaluating test results or imaging studies, so we often had to function as transcriptionists, as well.


Bachelor's in Chemistry, Concentration in Biochemistry

  •  University of Alaska Fairbanks
  •  Aug 2011 - May 2016

Degree in Chemistry/Biochemistry involved multiple seminar courses, as well as other courses to teach communication of science. Our general education requirements also included general communication courses and writing classes, including a literature course that studied how to write book reviews.

MD-PhD Combined Degree

  •  University of Kansas Medical Center
  •  May 2022 - Present

This degree combines a medical degree with a PhD. I have finished the first two years of medical school and have recently started my PhD in Pathology. Through this program, I have had multiple opportunities to publish my own scientific literature, as well as edit for other writers.